Yazar "Bektur, Gülçin" için listeleme
Artificial bee colony algorithm for operating room scheduling problem with dedicated/flexible resources and cooperative operations
Bektur, Gülçin; Aslan, Hatice Kübra (International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications, 2024)In this study operating room scheduling (ORS) problem is addressed in multi- resource manner. In the addressed problem, besides operating rooms (ORs) and surgeons, the anesthesia team is also considered as an additional ... -
Artificial bee colony algorithm for operating room scheduling problem with dedicated/flexible resources and cooperative operations
Bektur, Gülçin; Aslan, Hatice Kübra (International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications, 2024)In this study operating room scheduling (ORS) problem is addressed in multi-resource manner. In the addressed problem, besides operating rooms (ORs) and surgeons, the anesthesia team is also considered as an additional ... -
Distributed Flow Shop Scheduling Problem With Learning Effect, Setups, Non-Identical Factories, and Eligibility Constraints
Bektur, Gülçin (University of Cincinnati, 2022)In the flow shop scheduling, the route of each job is the same, and the order of the jobs on the machines is determined. In the distributed flow shop scheduling (DFSS) problem, on the other hand, the assignment of jobs to ... -
Enerji etkin ve sıra bağımlı hazırlık süreli tek makine çizelgeleme problemi için tavlama benzetimi algoritması tabanlı hibrit sezgisel çözüm önerisi
Bektur, Gülçin (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2021)Artan karbondioksit emisyonu ve enerji tüketimi, enerji etkin çizelgeleme problemlerine ilgiyi arttırmıştır. Bu çalışmada çok amaçlı enerji etkin tek makine çizelgeleme probleminde enerji tasarrufunun sağlanması amacıyla ... -
A hybrid heuristic solution based on simulated annealing algorithm for energy efficient single machine scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times
Bektur, Gülçin (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2021)Increased carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption increase interest in energy efficient scheduling problems. In this study, speed scaling method is discussed in order to provide energy saving in multiobjective ... -
An integrated methodology for the selection of sustainable suppliers and order allocation problem with quantity discounts, lost sales and varying supplier availabilities
Bektur, Gülçin (Elsevier, 2020)In this study, selection of sustainable suppliers (SSS) and order allocation (OA) problem is generalized by considering multi-product, multi-supplier and multi-period scenarios with quantity discounts, lost sales and varying ... -
A multi-objective approach to home health care routing problem with team formation
Bektur, Gülçin; Nenbhard, David (University of Cincinnati, 2023)Home health care (HHC) services provide the elderly, disabled, and those with chronic diseases health services in their homes. The demand for HHC services has increased due to the growth of the elderly population, the ... -
A multi-start iterated tabu search algorithm for the multi-resource agent bottleneck generalized assignment problem
Bektur, Gülçin (An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 2020)In this study, a multi-resource agent bottleneck generalized assignment problem (MRBGAP) is addressed. In the bottleneck generalized assignment problem (BGAP), more than one job can be assigned to an agent, and the objective ... -
An NSGA-II-Based Memetic Algorithm for an Energy-Efficient Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Machine-Sequence Dependent Setup Times and Learning Effect
Bektur, Gülçin (Springer, 2021)In this study, an energy-efficient unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem is discussed. The speed scaling mechanism has been taken into account as an energy-efficient strategy. Unrelated parallel machine scheduling ... -
A reinforcement learning-based multiobjective heuristic algorithm for multiple-truck routing problems with heterogeneous drones
Bektur, Gülçin (Elsevier, 2024)As a result of new technological developments, drone usage has become common in last-mile logistics activities. Owing to the limited flight range of drones, drones may service customers by using trucks as hubs. Although ... -
A variant of the NSGA II for the speed scaling distributed flow shop scheduling problem with total tardiness minimisation
Bektur, Gülçin (IOS Press BV, 2023)In this study, an energy-efficient distributed flowshop scheduling (DFSS) problem with total tardiness minimisation and machine-sequence dependent setup times is addressed. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model ...