Tür "bookPart" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 17, listelenen: 1-17
Analyze Performance of Embedded Systems with Machine Learning Algorithms
(Springer, 2021)This article aims to analyze the performance of embedded systems using various machine learning algorithms on embedded systems. For this, data set were analyzed using Python programming language and related libraries. Using ... -
Application of Deep Neural Networks for Disease Diagnosis Through Medical Data Sets
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2019)In this chapter, a novel classification methodology for medical disease diagnosis is proposed. The proposed classification operator comprises a stacked autoencoder network cascaded with a softmax layer. The classifier is ... -
Case Study: Deep Convolutional Networks in Healthcare
(Springer Verlag, 2020)Technological improvements lead big data producing, processing and storing systems. These systems must contain extraordinary capabilities to overcome complexity of the big data. Therefore, the methodologies utilized for ... -
A deep learning architecture for identification of breast cancer on mammography by learning various representations of cancerous mass
(Springer, 2021)Deep Learning (DL) is a high capable machine learning algorithm with the detailed analysis abilities on images. Although DL models achieve very high classification performances, the applications are trending on using and ... -
Destinasyon çekim ve rekabet gücünde turistik ürün özellikleri
(SRA Academic Publishing, 2022)GİRİŞ Ürün, insanların ihtiyaçlarına yönelik sunulan tüm mal ya da hizmetler olarak ifade edilmektedir (Kozak, 2008:125). Turizm endüstrisinde diğer sektörlerden ayrı olarak ortada net bir ürün olmadığından literatürde ... -
The Effect of Auscultation Areas on Nonlinear Classifiers in Computerized Analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
(Springer, 2021)Today, with the rapid development of technology, various methods are being developed for computer assisted diagnostic systems. Computer assisted diagnostic systems allow an objective assessment and help physicians to ... -
The Factors Affecting the Passengers’ Avoidance to Use the Mobile Applications of Airlines
(Springer, 2022)Nowadays, rapid development in information technologies has been experienced in the aviation industry as in other industries. This development has affected both passengers and airlines in different aspects. The use of ... -
Female labor force participation and poverty: Evidence from regions of Turkey
(Peter Lang AG, 2021)Female labor force participation and poverty: Evidence from regions of Turkey -
The Global Competitive Structure of ASEAN Countries in Innovative Products
(Springer, 2022)In this study, we aim to conduct a comparative analysis of the competitiveness of ASEAN countries in the export of innovative products. In the study covering the years 2002–2020, we use International Standard Industry ... -
The Importance of Organizational Behavior Model Applications in Air Transportation Industry
(Springer, 2022)Because the air transportation is a labor-intensive industry, human resource is one of the most crucial elements in order to survive and achieve the sustainable growth in the increasing competitive environment. As the ... -
Introduction: Towards a New Management Approach in the Aviation Industry After the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Springer, 2022)We are announcing a new sub-series in our book series titled “Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Information System in the Aviation Sector”. This series, as editors, we will discuss sustainable management issues in ... -
Nonlinear and Chaotic Time Series Analysis
(World Scientific Publishing Co., 2022)This study introduces the techniques used in the analysis of nonlinear and deterministic time series. Since chaotic time series are nonlinear and deterministic, the techniques introduced here can be successfully applied ... -
A research on performance appraisal and performance appraisal form development process in hotel enterprises
(Peter Lang AG, 2021)There is a continued need for overarching and profound approaches to tourism and hospitality. The concept of tourism and hospitality needs to be thoroughly considered so that issues with an ever-increasing complexity and ... -
A survey on p-adic integrals
(Springer International Publishing, 2019)The p-adic numbers are a counterintuitive arithmetic system and were firstly introduced circa end of the nineteenth century. In conjunction with the introduction of these numbers, many mathematicians and physicists started ... -
Sustainability and Financial Performance: Examining the Airline Industry
(Springer, 2022)The air transport industry has numerous social, cultural and economic benefits. The sector plays a major role in the economic and social development of countries, cities and regions. The air transport industry enables ... -
Turizm 4.0 ve Turizm Eğitimi
(SRA Academic Publishing, 2022)GİRİŞ Dünyada hızla gelişen endüstrilerin başında gelen turizm; sosyal, kültürel, çevresel ve ekonomik bağlamda bölgeler ve ülkeler üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Turizm endüstrisinin sosyal ve kültürel hayata, ... -
Turizmde Covid-19 Darboğazı
(İksad Yayınevi, 2021)Salgın hastalıkların insanlık tarihi kadar eskilere dayandığı düşünülmektedir. Dünya geneline yayılan salgın hastalıklar, pandemi (bir kıtaya ya da tüm dünyaya yayılan salgın hastalık) olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Sürekli ...