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dc.contributor.authorDanacı, Erkan
dc.contributor.authorDoğan, Aliye Kartal
dc.contributor.authorÇiçek, Engin Can
dc.contributor.authorÇetinkaya, Anıl
dc.contributor.authorKaya, Muhammed Çağrı
dc.contributor.authorOğuztüzün, M. S. Halit
dc.contributor.authorTünay, Gülsün
dc.identifier.citationDANACI, E., DOGAN, A. K., CICEK, E. C., CETINKAYA, A., KAYA, M. C., OGUZTUZUN, M. H., TUNAY, G. (2024). Uncertainty Evaluation Using Law Of Propagation And Monte Carlo Simulation Methods With The Autorfpower Measurement Software. Konya mühendislik bilimleri dergisi (Online) , 12(3), 596 - 607.
dc.description.abstractRF power measurement is essential in RF and microwave metrology. For reliable and accurate power measurement, automatic measurement is preferred. A software application in C#, named AutoRFPower, was developed for automatic RF power measurement and uncertainty calculations at this study. According to the GUM document, this application is enhanced for uncertainty calculations by utilizing the Law of Propagation method and the Monte Carlo Simulation method. Trial measurements were performed at different RF power levels and frequencies between 50 MHz and 18 GHz using the AutoRFPower software. Law of Propagation and Monte Carlo Simulation uncertainty calculations were carried out by AutoRFPower based on the trial measurements and by the Oracle Crystal Ball simulation application. All measurements and their uncertainty calculations were compared with each other, and this study validated the uncertainty calculation of AutoRFPower. In addition, it was observed that in the Monte Carlo Simulation, uncertainty calculation results were non-symmetrical normal distribution, contrary to the assumption of symmetrical normal distribution according to the Low of Propagation method. Moreover, it has been observed that the statistical distribution of uncertainty changes depending on the dominant component of the parameters in the model function used for the uncertainty calculation with the Monte Carlo Simulation method.en_US
dc.publisherKonya Teknik Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectAuto RF Power Measurementen_US
dc.subjectLaw of Propagation Methoden_US
dc.subjectMonte Carlo Simulation Methoden_US
dc.subjectUncertainty Calculationen_US
dc.titleUncertainty Evaluation Using Law Of Propagation And Monte Carlo Simulation Methods With The Autorfpower Measurement Softwareen_US
dc.relation.journalKonya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi (Online)en_US
dc.relation.journalKonya Journal of Engineering Sciences
dc.contributor.departmentMühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.isteauthorÇetinkaya, Anıl
dc.relation.indexWeb of Science - TR-Dizinen_US

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