Electromagnetic Analysis of Organic Waste and Blust Furnace Slag Mixtures
Göster/ Aç
Baltacıoğlu, MustafaBaşar, Mustafa Tunahan
Karaaslan, Muharrem
Alkurt, Fatih Özkan
Arıpek, Samet Alparslan
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Baltacıoğlu, M., Arıpek, S., A., Başar, M., T., Karaaslan, M., Alkurt, F., Ö. (2021). Electromagnetic Analysis of Organic Waste and Blust Furnace Slag Mixtures. European Mechanical Science, 5(3), 148 - 152. https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.860949Özet
In this experimental study, a composite structure was obtained by combining apple pulp wastes with slag wastes.
Electromagnetic field characteristics of test samples have been determined. In the scope of the study, dry apple
pulp and slag wastes were transformed into square plate form using a specially designed mold and a pressing
bench with a capacity of 50 tons. The measurements were carried out in the 3-18 GHz frequency band in the
microwave laboratory. In the measurements, five different measurement results were obtained: air, high quality
commercial absorber, pure apple pulp, 50 g apple pulp with slag and 150 g of slag added apple pulp. The results
of the measured samples were compared and interpreted with the results of air and high quality commercial
absorber material. As a result, the samples formed by pure apple pulp, 50 g slag-added sample and 150 g slagadded sample in terms of electromagnetic permeability similar results were obtained. The slag-added sample of
50 g performed better absorption in certain frequency regions than the slag-added sample of 150 g. In addition,
it produces close transmission values in three samples in the 8-12 GHz X-band frequency range. In addition,
considering the absorption values of the slag-added structures, it was determined that they absorb signals 90%
on average in the frequency regions of 8 GHz and above
European Mechanical ScienceCilt