A Study on Some New Results Arising from (p, q)-Calculus
Duran, U., Acikgoz, M., Araci, S. (2020). A Study on Some New Results Arising from (p,q)-Calculus. Twms Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. DOI: 10.20944/preprints201803.0072.v1.Özet
This paper includes some new investigations and results for post quantum calculus, denoted by (p, q)-calculus. A chain rule for (p, q)-derivative is given. Also, a new (p, q)-analogue of the exponential function is introduced and its properties including the addition property for (p, q)-exponential functions are investigated. Several useful results involving (p, q)binomial co-efficients and (p, q)-antiderivative are discovered. At the final part of this paper, (p, q)-analogue of some elementary functions including trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions are considered and some properties and relations among them are analyzed extensively.