Investigation on wear mechanisms of boronized AISI 4140 steel
Bozali, U., Yasar, M., Cetin, M., Veli Cay, V., Gunen, A. (2017). Investigation on wear mechanisms of boronized AISI 4140 steel.Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 23 (1), pp. 1-15.Özet
In this study, AISI 4140 steel was subjected to box boronizing treatment at 1123 K, 1173 K and 1223 K for 2h, 4h, and 6h with commercially EKabor 2 powders. Friction and wear behaviour of the boronized and following worn AISI 4140 have been examined. After the wear tests, surface profilometer image analysis and EDS analysis were done. Also wear track area, wear track volume and wear rate were calculated based on the surface of the worn materials. In the AISI 4140 steel and in the boronized samples for 2 h severely plastic deformation wear mechanism were determined whereas in the samples boronized for 4h and 6h micro-ploughing wear mechanism were determined. Properties of boride layers have an effect on the type of wear mechanism. The boronized samples showed up to 27.3 times higher wear resistance than non-boronized AISI 4140 steel. © 2017, Scibulcom Ltd. All rights reserved.